Thursday, 30 January 2020

Is there any treatment solution for vitiligo?

Unraveling vitiligo 

Melanocyte cells provide color to the skin, and any damage to this would cause vitiligo. This is a skin disorder that would appear for anyone at any age. White patches would appear on the particular part of the body that has been damaged. The natural skin color would be destroyed, and this could even affect the tissues inside the mouth and nose. Usually, vitiligo appears in the area, which is excessively exposed to the sun. 


Mainly vitiligo occurs when melanocytes fail to produce melanin, which is responsible for skin color. 

Other factors might include the following:
  • Heredity
  • Sunburn
  • Exposure to chemicals
  • Attack from own immune system 


There could be varied treatments that would help treat the discoloration or patches on the skin and to restore the natural skin tone. The results would vary, and it will be unpredictable as it will be focused based on the severity of the condition. 
  • Medications - some medications used alone or with light therapy could help restore the skin color or skin tone. Some creams would control the inflammation when applied evenly on the affected area. 
  • Surgery - when all the other treatments fail, surgery can be taken as a last resort to treat vitiligo. Surgery will be recommended when other treatments are not showing any changes at least for a period of 6 months. 
  • Cell transplantation technology - a surgical procedure where some of the healthy cells are transferred to the damaged area or cells to get an appropriate skin color and texture. 


At Vitals Klinic, the doctor and his team provide the required and apt treatment for vitiligo.

Blog Reviwed By: Dr Harish Prasad
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Does vitiligo appear suddenly?

Skin is the largest organ in the body, which acts as a shield that protects our body from external environments. It has a significant role in maintaining life and health. It is an airtight, watertight, and a flexible barrier between the outside world and the systems within the body. 


Skin also helps in temperature regulation, immune defense, vitamin production, and sensation. However, there are hundreds of disorders that can affect the skin. Any change in the hormones, medical conditions, genetic predisposition of skin type can influence the well being of the skin. Vitiligo is such a disorder that affects the skin.

What Is Vitiligo?

Our skin is made up of three layers - A thin outer layer called the epidermis, a thicker middle layer called the dermis, and the inner layer called the hypodermis. The outer layer of the skin is called Keratinocytes.

Melanocytes are the color-producing cells, known as Melanin, the pigment that determines the color of the skin, eyes, and hair. When the skin loses these color-producing cells, patches will appear on the skin and become white. This condition is known as vitiligo. These whites are more noticeable in people with darker skin. 

Does vitiligo start suddenly?

Vitiligo does not have any specific time or moment for its appearance. Vitiligo can start at any time and any age in both men and women. It occurs in all skin types and with equal frequencies. Most people will develop the condition at a younger age, say less than 30. 

The exact cause of vitiligo is unknown — conditions such as immune system disorder. Hereditary factors, single events such as sunburn or emotional distress, etc. contribute to the development of vitiligo. People with certain autoimmune diseases such as thyroid dysfunction are prone to get vitiligo. 

What happens in vitiligo?

When Melanocytes are destroyed, white patches of various sizes will appear on the skin in different parts of the body. It can also appear on the mucous membranes (tissues that line in the inside of the mouth and nose) and the retina (inner layer of the eyeball). In some cases, the hairs that grow on the vitiligo affected areas become white. 

Is it possible to manage vitiligo? 

Treatment options for vitiligo include medical, surgical, and other treatments, depending on the number and density of white patches. The objective of these treatments is to restore the color to the white patches of skin.

Medical treatments include:
  • Over the counter medicines that you put on the skin
  • Medicines that you take by mouth
  • A combination of Medicine plus ultraviolet (UVA) light 
  • Sunscreens and cosmetics to cover the white patches
  • Phototherapy and photochemotherapy
  • Counseling and support
  • Surgery
  • Cell transplantation technology 


If you are suspected of having vitiligo seek the immediate assistance of a physician for diagnosis and treatment.

Blog Reviwed By: Dr Harish Prasad
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