Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Preserve your blush with a chemical peeling

Glowing skin always addresses beauty. From younger to older, everybody likes to shine with alluring skin especially with an attracting flawless face. Though there are many instant products available in the market, the quality and the result is suspicious. An experienced and trained dermatologist only can provide the best and safest result.

Chemical peeling is an instantaneous skin peeling treatment that exfoliates dead cells from the skin’s top layer by applying a mild chemical solution. Chemical peeling procedure greatly works out to produce a smooth and refined skin texture. It increases skin hydration level.

Do remember that all chemical peels are not the same. Some of them treat surface skin issues and others treat the concerns begin in the deeper layers of the skin. Hence, you should consult a dermatologist to know the best chemical peel for you. A great chemical peel deals with the following benefits.

Improves Acne

Studies have detailed that chemical peels consisting of salicylic acid reduce acne issue by 47-75%. The patients experienced improved acne while using a chemical peel with glycolic acid as well. Since acne is a surface skin issue, most of the chemical peels treat acne on the lighter side.

Promotes Skin Tone and Texture

Besides addressing skin issues, a chemical peel also induces the development of the fresh, new skin. It rejuvenates the overall skin tone and texture of the skin, yielding a pretty, healthy glow always.

Shrinks scars appearance

Moderate chemical peel treats both surface acne and some light scars by deeply penetrating into the skin. To diminish the appearance of strong acne scars, a deep peel shall be considered. One clinical study addressed that patient with strong acne scars were treated with a phenol peel that improved by a mean of 75.12%

Diminish fine Lines and wrinkles

By removing the skin outer layer chemical peel reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines that eventually reveals out a new fresh, smooth and unlined layer. Sometimes surface wrinkles could be sufficiently treated with light peels. Based on the cosmetic goals, the chemical peel might be considered.

Addresses Pigment Issues

Melasma, discoloration, hyperpigmentation due to age spots and acne scars are excellently corrected with chemical peels. The treatment is more effective on the face, neck, chest, and hands.

Vitals Klinic, skin care clinic in Bangalore is popular for chemical peeling in BTM layout, Bangalore. An experienced team of dermatologists treats patients with advanced and international standard level techniques. They focus to improve the cosmetic look of a person always.
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Thursday, 26 July 2018

Earlobe Repair Surgery for Torn Earlobes

The earlobes are one of the weakest parts of the ear and are more prone to tearing. Many suffer from torn earlobes due to accidents, piercings or injuries. Here we will be discussing the treatment to repair the earlobe which is called as the earlobe repair surgery.

ear lobe surgery in bangalore

What is Earlobe Repair ?

Earlobe repair is performed to fix back ears that have been torn due to piercings, or other sorts of traumas. Since the earlobes are made of skin and fat, it is much more prone to tearing compared to the other parts of the ear. Earlobe repair is not for protruding ears, it can't be performed to treat such a condition.

What are the procedures of earlobe repair surgery ?

The earlobe repair surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. That is why only local anesthesia will be needed for you. The doctor will snip the skin which lines the tear, removes excess tissue if necessary and finally stitches the earlobe back to the normal condition. The duration of the surgery depends on the number of piercings and the extent of the damage. The entire procedure does not take more than an hour. 

How about the recovery post earlobe repair surgery?

Recovery post earlobe repair surgery is not that difficult. Just after the surgery, your repaired earlobe will be covered using a small piece of gauze. You can remove the gauze on the second day of the surgery, but it should be made sure that you keep the repaired area clean. You must also apply triple antibiotic ointment daily.

Until the sutures are removed, do not apply any sort of pressure on the ears. Try not to sleep on your ears. The sutures might be removed after a week following the surgery. You will be able to resume your normal activities almost instantly after the surgery.

When can you re-pierce the ear?

You will be able to re-pierce your ear after 4 or 6 weeks after the earlobe repair surgery.

Ear Hole Repair Surgery in Bangalore

So, where can you get an earlobe tear repair in Bangalore from highly proficient and experienced doctors? Visit Vitals Klinic, Bangalore for class treatments under a highly skilled team of doctors familiar with the latest advancements in the field. The main objective of this institution is the wellness of the patients and the team goes an extra mile to bring that smile of satisfaction on the patients.

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Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Give The Best Care For Your Skin With Proper Treatments

Cyst excision or superficial swellings

Cysts are closed capsular or sac-like structures that may be filled with some material that can be semisolid, gaseous, or liquid. They can occur in tissue of any part of the body and can be of any size(microscopic to large).

Surgery is performed according to the size and location of the cyst. The cyst is excised from its bed under the effect of anesthesia with complete removal of its sac which prevents recurrences.

Scar revisions or acne scars

A scar is a result of wound healing after an injury. It can be raised or recessed and is generally different(darker) in color and texture from surrounding healthy tissue that makes it noticeable.

Although many of the scars do not impair any functioning or cause any physical discomfort to the person still some people become very conscious of visible scars and their self-confidence may be affected as a result. Scar revision surgery can help regain their confidence.

The choice of surgery depends upon the type and degree of the scar, which includes:
  • Minimally invasive procedures: subcision, dermaroller, dermal grafting
  • Surgical revision with advanced techniques in wound closure
  • Combination treatments like chemical peels, CROSS technique, subcision and lasers are used in stepwise manner for acne scars.


Mole Removal

Mole is a dark spot or skin irregularity that can be present at birth or can begin to appear over time in different shapes and sizes. They can appear on the skin of any part of the body like face, arms or chest area. They may appear in groups or can be alone too.

They can be removed by any of the following ways:
  • Radiocautery
  • Excision with or without stitches
  • Shave removal using a scalpel blade without stitches
  • Laser excision



A Wart is a small skin growth that is self-limiting and is caused by one of over 100 types of the human papillomavirus(HPV). They occur in a wide range of shapes and sizes and grow faster than normal due to the presence of virus.

wart treatment in btm layout

They can be removed by any of the following ways:
  • Radiocautery
  • Cryotherapy
  • Excision
  • Autoinoculation
  • Lasers
  • Vaccine therapy
  • Intralesional
  • Blemycin/5FU


Earlobe repair

Earlobe repair is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery. It is a quick and effective cosmetic surgery performed to correct the stretched or split earlobe. Stretching, ageing, wearing heavy earrings, deformity or injury can be the causes for damage in Earlobes.

Earlobe repair is performed under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting.
The real repair procedure involves cutting away of the skin lining the tear or piercing the tract, followed by removal of the excess tissue and finally suturing of the lobes back together.

The sutures should remain in place for one or two weeks.


1. Are these procedures painful?

These are usually done under local anesthesia so it shall not be painful

2. Should I be hospitalized?

These are very minor procedures, doesn't require any hospitalization

3. When are the sutures removed?

Depending upon the site it could vary from one week to two weeks

4. Does it require any blood tests?

A routine pre-surgical blood check is required

5. What is the after car?

Our expert dermatologist will guide you based on the surgery performed.

Why Vitals?

Dermatologists at Vitals, skin care clinic in Bangalore perform these surgeries only after thorough evaluation of the patient and discussing expectations and results of the surgery with the patient. Almost all the skin surgeries are performed under local anaesthesia.

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Monday, 25 June 2018

Injectables - Mesotherapy, Botox, Fillers, PRP @ Vitalsklinic

What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure which is performed just below the surface layer of the skin, ie. Intradermal or subcutaneous. A small amount of pharmaceuticals, plant extracts, vitamins and other bio-active ingredients will be injecting. The biggest advantage of Mesotherapy is that it impacts the desired area quickly and shows noticeable results in just a few sessions.

cosmetic clinic in bangalore



Skin rejuvenation, pigmentation, anti-aging, Cellulite removal, acne scars, PRP for hair loss

What is Botox?

Botox is an injectable cosmetic procedure using a derived protein where an overused or a bulkier muscle can be softened and hence reduce the wrinkles which give a youthful you.


Forehead lines, frown lines, crows feet, lip lines, gummy smile, necklines

# Botox can also be used for reducing excessive sweating in underarms, palms, and soles.

What are Fillers?

Fillers are cosmetic procedures to enhance one's own beauty and make them look younger and glowing. The hyaluronic acid gel is the one which is commonly used for injection which is naturally present in humans which degrades slowly when one starts ageing.


Under eye hollowness, Facelifts, chin elongation, lip augmentation, laugh lines

What is PRP?

PRP - Platelet-rich plasma, is a non-surgical, totally natural, alternative and injectable medical procedure in which it is injected directly into the target area using fine needles or with a derma roller. It can be given into the hair, skin or injury site to promote rejuvenation and healing.



Hair fall, facial rejuvenation, nonhealing ulcers


1. Who can get injectables?

Until otherwise contraindicated anybody can get injectables done.

2. What is the post-procedure care?

Depending on the type of injectable specific simple post care would be advised by our expert dermatologist.

3. How long is the procedure?

Most of the injections take 30 min to an hour depending on the indication for injectables.

Why Vitals?

Our Dermatologists at Vitals, cosmetic clinic in Bangalore are immensely experienced in the art of injections. Injections are among the most common health care procedures performed as they give a quick response (sometimes in 5-10 seconds) as compared to solid drugs.

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Friday, 22 June 2018

Choose Vitalsklinic to experience the best Laser Treatments

Lasers for Scars


Technology @ Vitalsklinic: Fractional CO2/ Microneedling RF

Scars are the most awful complication. Scars commonly due to post Acne, traumatic, surgical treatments are the result of defective collagen remodeling. Scar modifying lasers help in the stimulation of growth factors which in turn stimulate new collagen formations which help in scar remodeling and hence its appearance and texture. Sagging of skin or ageing skin is also due to collagen remodeling as these lasers stimulate collagen remodeling they help in anti ageing.

laser acne scar remoavl bangalore


  • Acne scar reduction
  • Traumatic Scars
  • Facial skin tightening
  • Facial skin rejuvenation
  • Sweating reduction
  • Pores tightening



  • Safer and superior technology
  • Reduces the appearance of deeper, darker acne scars or age spots
  • Polishes the skin
  • Gives a more youthful glow to the skin
  • Smoother and firmer skin
  • Office time procedure
  • No downtime
  • Monthly sessions and faster results


Lasers for Hair Reduction

Laser hair reduction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures to remove unwanted hair. It works by exposing the hair follicles to highly concentrated light. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the follicles and destroys the hair. Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second to destroy the hair follicle.

laser hair removal in bangalore

Laser hair removal is useful in removing unwanted hair from the following areas: Face, Chest, Back, Arm & underarm, neck, shoulder, Bikini line, Hairy ears and nose, Upper lips & chin, Legs, Unibrow.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal


  • Safe, effective and painless way to remove unwanted hair
  • Selectively targets dark & coarse hairs
  • Suitable for all skin colour


Pigmentation Laser and laser toning

Facial rejuvenation is an effective way to reduce the effects of ageing, acne and sun exposure on the face. Laser facial rejuvenation involves removal of skin layer by layer. The new skin cells form during the healing period and give the skin a tighter, healthier and younger looking surface. It reduces blotches, scars, wrinkles, and fine lines of the face.

Results  of Facial Rejuvenation

  • Polishes the skin
  • Buffs away fine lines and wrinkles
  • Gives a more youthful glow to the skin
  • Smoother and firmer skin
  • Reduces the appearance of deeper, darker scars or age spots



1. Is laser hair removal painful?

No, we use advanced technology which is less painful

2. I have hormonal issues can I get hair reduction laser done?

Yes, it is very helpful in addressing hair growth related to hormonal issues

3. Can I get back to my work after laser sessions?

Yes, we apply sunscreens after the procedure and you can get back to work immediately

4. How frequently I can get lasers done?

Once a month depending upon the indications

Why Vitals?

Our dermatologists at Vitalsklinic, dermatologist center in BTM Layout, are immensely experienced in the field of Laser treatment. Nowadays it has various applications in the treatment of hair fall, vitiligo, hair removal, etc.

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Saturday, 2 June 2018

Hair Transplantation - From Bald to Bold in No Time

Hair transplantation is an art and a very good solution for the balding individuals. It is also the only successful treatment for baldness. It involves rearrangement of the existing hair follicles that are DHT-resistant to give a fuller appearance to the balding area. In their natural growth cycle, hair grows in a group of 1-4 hairs. Hair transplantation is also done in a group of 1-4 hairs to maintain their natural growth. The procedure involves harvesting DHT resistant hair from the back of patient's own scalp(occipital area) and then transplanting it into the balding areas. Thus modern hair transplantation technique gives a natural appearance by mimicking the original hair growth cycle.
hair transplantation in bangalore


What are the areas where hair transplantation can be performed?

In addition to the scalp, hair transplantation can also be done on the areas like Face, Beards, Chest, Pubic hair, Mustaches and Sideburns, Eyelashes and Eyebrows.

What are the different techniques of hair transplantation?

Although there are so many types of procedures for hair transplantation like FUT, FUE, Robotic FUE, Neograft, I Graft, FUSE Graft and direct hair transplant, the most accepted and successful procedure is FUE.

Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE): It is the procedure that involves direct removal of individual hair units (one to four hair follicles) from the donor area (almost always back or side of the head) using a micro-punch. The removed hair units are then transplanted to the hair thinning areas. A maximum of 3500 follicular units can be transplanted in a single session.

Benefits of FUE hair transplantation

  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • Painless procedure
  • Minimal discomfort during and after the procedure
  • No cuts, staples or stitches required
  • No ugly scar formation
  • Unaffected and unchanged donor area
  • Quick or very short recovery time
  • Same day or maximum next day return to work and daily activities
  • Patient can keep very short hairstyle as this transplant does not leave a linear scar


Will there be any anaesthesia required for hair transplantation?

Yes. Local anaesthesia is given to the patient to make him comfortable during the procedure. But sometimes in case of highly anxious patients, general anaesthesia may also be given.

hair transplantation in bangalore


What all investigations are done before transplantation?

Investigations are done to find out the cause of hair fall and also to ensure patient suitability for the surgical procedure. This includes:
  • Blood routine investigations including hemoglobin, WBC, ESR.
  • Random blood sugar
  • Lipid profile
  • Liver function tests
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Iron metabolism tests
  • Serological tests - like Hepatitis B, HIV, HCV
  • Bleeding disorder tests - like bleeding times, clotting times


Why Vitals?

Our dermatologists are immensely experienced in the art of hair transplantation in Bangalore. At Vitalsklinic, skin care clinic in Bangalore, they are skilled to perform any kind of hair restoration surgery with ease. The success of hair restoration depends upon the identification of right candidate or it.

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Thursday, 12 April 2018

Wrinkle Treatments To Stay Young

When we are aging naturally the wrinkles occur. During the aging process, the elastin and collagen in the skin connective tissue become fragile. They start to break down due to the changes in fibroblasts which produce elastin and collagen.

But premature wrinkles are mostly caused by excessive exposure to the sunlight, excess stress, sudden weight loss, using certain drugs, smoking, and Vitamin E deficiency. Though all factors cannot be controlled, the exposure to sunlight and smoking can be reduced.

There are many Wrinkle treatments available to either reduce or permanently remove the lines. They are:

Topical Retinoid: This is sourced from Vitamin A. When applying to the skin, roughness, fine wrinkles and blotches can be controlled. It betters the aging signs of wrinkles, uneven pigmentation. In the starting stage, retinoid increases skin peel and redness. Though the reaction is unpleasant, slowly the improvements can be seen when the peeling stops.

Antioxidants: Vitamin A, C, E and beta-carotene are rich in anti-oxidants. Such products may shield the skin from the burning sun to an extent and improve wrinkles mildly.

Deeper peels: In this peeling, an acid is applied to the skin and the skin outer layer is burnt so that age spots, wrinkles, and freckles are removed.

Dermabrasion: This is also called as Dermaplaning. It involves sanding the skin surface layer with a rotating brush. While doing so, the skin surface is removed and a new layer starts to grow in its place.


Skin tightening: There are several devices available to tighten the skin with heat. In this non-invasive treatment, a modest result can be seen over 4-6 months.

Face-lift: In face-lift process excess skin, fat from the lower face and neck are removed & the underlying muscle, connective tissues are tightened.

Botulinum Toxin (BOTOX): It is injected in small doses into some specific muscles and BOTOX deters the muscles from contracting. BOTOX results well on the frown lines in between the eyebrows and across the forehead, crow’s feet at the corners of the eye. Repeated injections will maintain the results.

Vitals Klinic, a Skin and Hair Care Treatment Center in Bangalore, offers quality wrinkles treatment in Bangalore to the patients with advanced techniques. The popular dermatologist in btmlayout, Bangalore, Dr. Harish Prasad and his team use state-of-art techniques to fulfill the expectations of their patients.
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Friday, 12 January 2018

Acne Treatment @ Vitals Klinic

Everything is great about teenage except acne. The obnoxious wait to cross nineteen might not end the agony of severe breakouts as they continue to haunt both men and women in their adulthood. Ruddy bumps on a bright visage could spoil a beautiful flaunting day.

Acne surfaces on the skin covering the face, neck, buttocks or arms, when the sebaceous gland below the epidermis produces an increased amount of lubricating oil; sebum, in response to hormonal discrepancies or other exterior factors. The red inflammation might arise as a result of the bodily surge in red and white blood cells, which is essential to battle various infections affecting the skin. In adults, over-washing of skin, a negated combination of dermal creams, a polluted neighborhood, or eating iodine-rich foods might induce acne. Even though many let the acne run their normal course; dermatologists suggest a timely treatment for acne, which can evade scars and dark spots, and, the persistent effects of acne throughout the age.

Adult and Hormonal acne are treated differently. Adult acne could be treated in different ways, dependent on the chronology of action. At the very inception, oral antibiotics, injections, and ointments could turn out to be a viable remedy. Chemical peeling procedure is advised for deeper acnes, where a phenol or glycolic acid solution is applied to exfoliate the acne affected skin. Acne scars lead to loss of proteins in the skin leading to depressions. Laser treatment and chemical peeling pose as the apt solutions to remove them. Hormonal acne, mainly caused by Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) causes, could be treated by topical medications and laser treatments.

In a city like Bangalore, where pollution rates are climbing to alarming heights and putting the lakes ablaze; Vitals Klinic stands out tall; volunteering the best-in-class skin treatment by employing latest instruments and technology.Dr. Harish Prasad from Vitals Klinic is one of the best dermatologists in Bangalore.Profound diagnosis and availability of surgical, non-surgical and after-scar treatments make Vitals Klinic efficient and virtuous in expounding acne; undoubtedly founding them as the one-stop center for all sorts of acne treatments in Bangalore.

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